
Upbeat: Music Streaming Player 12+

If you need a way to stream music, build playlists, and share music with friends on your tablet or mobile device, UpBeat is the best way to do so.

Android Apps by Upbeat Inc. on Google Play

UpBeat is the best way to stream music, build playlists and share music with friends on mobile. It lets you play any song from YouTube.

Download our Booking App and On Demand App

Booking App (new!) Book Studio and Live Stream classes, access your account, purchase memberships and packages, get class updates, see your billing history, ...

Free Music For YouTube Videos & Creators

Download the best copyright free music from the world's hottest beatmakers and indie artists. Create your free account & start downloading now.

Become an artist • Help Center

Uppbeat was built to connect creators and artists in a way that elevates and empowers both sides. You'll enjoy exposure to the world's YouTubers, ...

Free Music For YouTube Videos & Creators • Uppbeat

Download the best copyright-free music for YouTube, TikTok, streaming, social media, podcasts and more. Create a free account & start downloading for free ...

Free Upbeat Music

Download the best upbeat royalty free music for YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, TikTok, podcasts and more. Uppbeat is the free music platform for creators.


Manage and switch between multiple accounts and apps easily without switching browsers. Download the best copyright free music from the world's hottest ...

uppbeat 專為創作者打造的音樂、配樂,每月可免費下載10 首

2022年2月11日 — 除了用在YouTube 影片,uppbeat 其實也蠻適合當成平時聽音樂用的網站,也有內建建立播放清單、自動播放的功能。


Ifyouneedawaytostreammusic,buildplaylists,andsharemusicwithfriendsonyourtabletormobiledevice,UpBeatisthebestwaytodoso.,UpBeatisthebestwaytostreammusic,buildplaylistsandsharemusicwithfriendsonmobile.ItletsyouplayanysongfromYouTube.,BookingApp(new!)BookStudioandLiveStreamclasses,accessyouraccount,purchasemembershipsandpackages,getclassupdates,seeyourbillinghistory, ...,Downloadthebestcopyrightfr...